Principal investigator
"As a professor of applied social psychology at Maastricht University my field of study is ‘health and diversity of LGBT people’. In the past I have focused on access to HIV testing and the use of PrEP; in the Netherlands but also internationally. This has taught me something that I have been able to excavate in a range of contexts: HIV prevention should and can be tailored – that is how it best reaches the people that need it. That is what I want to continue working on for the Euregion Meuse-Rhine.
Feel free to contact me through the form below or send me an email at"

Principal investigator
"I have been active in the field of HIV since 2007 and conduct research on the psychosocial aspects of HIV. Think prevention, testing, access to care, and adherence. I also focus on stigma and discrimination, and breaking taboos. What stops us talking about sex? How can we stimulate safer sex? What makes us not (daring to) test? I am a behavioral scientist that wants to understand why we do what we do, and I want to turn that knowledge into interventions that help us stay happy and healthy. I find collaboration, diversity and inclusivity very important. Together we can bring the region to zero new HIV infections.
Feel free to contact me through the form below or send me an email at"

"In May 2021 I started as a postdoc researcher at the department applied social psychology at Maastricht University. In the EuRegion Project my tasks mainly consist of setting up and maintaining the collaboration platform in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine. During my PhD (2017-2021) I investigated how men who have sex with men (MSM) choose between the different prevention strategies that are available today (such as PrEP, condoms, U=U, HIV testing) and how they can be better supported in this process by healthcare professionals. I look forward to find out how we can achieve this in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine together.
Do you have questions about the LOV4EU project, or would you like to get involved? Feel free to contact me through the form below or send me an email at"

PhD student
"I started my PhD in 2020. In the Euregion project I am working on mapping the needs in the region through interviews with key populations. Currently I am organizing interviews with people living with HIV in the Euregion. Besides that I am also working on a research project on access to and use of PrEP during the Covid-19 pandemic. Before my PhD I worked at the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS) and the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG). My research interests are HIV prevention, access to care, socio-economic determinants of health and intersectionality.
If you have any questions about what I do, or if you’d like to talk about the project, please let me know! You can reach me through the form below or at"