There are several ways to get tested for STIs and HIV in Belgium. For more information, check the website of Sensoa.
For information on testing for HIV: Hiv test - Vanaf wanneer? - Anoniem testen en zelftests | allesoverseks.be - van Sensoa For information on testing for other STIs: Soa test - Waar en wanneer testen op soa's? | allesoverseks.be - van Sensoa
At the general practitioner.
NB: at the GP you have to pay a contribution for the HIV test and “remgeld” for the consultation. Testing with a doctor is never anonymous and your results will be added to your medical files. Your testing results will be handled confidentially.
At an HIV reference center in your region.
For Limburg: Jessa Ziekenhuis, for more information see: HIV-centrum - Infectieziekten en Immuniteit - Jessa Ziekenhuis (jessazh.be)
For Liège: C.H.U. de Liège, for more information see: Centre de référence SIDA (chuliege.be)
NB: Testing with a doctor is never anonymous and your results will be added to your medical files. Your testing results will be handled confidentially.
At an STI/HIV testing point. Here you can get easily and anonymously get tested for STIs and HIV.
In Flanders:
HIV testing with an appointment at the Elisacentrum in Brussels, see for more information: CHU Sint-Pieter - In het kort (stpierre-bru.be)
HIV testing with an appointment at the Helpcenter in Antwerp, see for more information: https://www.itg.be/N/helpcenter
STI testing with an appointment at the S-clinic in Brussels, see for more information: CHU Sint-Pieter - In het kort (stpierre-bru.be)
For HIV and STI testing for sexworkers in Flanders: Ben je sekswerker? Je kan je gratis en anoniem bij Violett laten testen. | Violett
In Wallonia:
Find through depistage.be : Le site des Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) the locations where you can get tested in Wallonia.
In Verviers for HIV and STI testing at Verviers Test, see for more information: Dépistage rapide du VIH et dépistage global des IST à Verviers (vervierstest.be)
NB: These services are sometimes only available if you meet certain requirements. Check this carefully. Additionally, some services require you to pay a contribution for the test and the consultation.
With an at-home test. There are several providers of at-home testing where you can anonymously test for a range of STIs. Rapid and reliable tests exist for HIV. For other STIs self-administered tests are available. This is an STI test that you buy and then send to a lab. At home and self-administered tests can be bought at the pharmacy or online.
For HIV:
Via the Swab2Know project you can order a free hiv home test: Homepage (swab2know.eu)
For other STIs:
Reliable suppliers of STI self-tests are: https://testalize.me or https://www.abel.care/nl/
NB: Pay close attention to the origin of your at-home test. Not all tests are equally reliable. A test that you do not have to send to the laboratory is not as reliable and requires a confirmation test. If a test has a CE label you can be sure that they meet European requirements of quality